Maria Rodrigues
Maria Rodrigues works for the Transport and Mobility Department of Panteia and she has a MSc in Spatial Planning Engineering from the Technical University of Lisbon (IST).
Maria has been working in the latest 9 years on research and consultancy projects for the European Commission, European agencies (e.g ESA, EIB), African Development Bank, World Bank, national bodies, etc covering areas/issues such as transport policy, transport economics, impact assessment, business models, intermodal passenger traffic, urban logistics and transport energy efficiency in general. She has been responsible for data collection and market analysis, benchmarking, stakeholders engagement activities and events organisation, training activities and responsible for the management and coordination of international consortia and projects, development of reports in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
She has working experience in European countries, Brazil, African countries e.g Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and St. Tome, Algeria, Morocco.
Currently Maria is mainly working on the Studies on the Ten-T core network corridors and on new cooperative business models and guidance for sustainable city logistics.